Data access
Swepub is a service that harvests scholarly publication metadata from the institutional repositories of Swedish higher education institutions (HEIs) and research organisations.
The Swepub metadata is accessible for end users and is available for free to harvest or to access through data dumps or the protocols OAI-PMH and SRU. The metadata is accessible through open APIs as JSON format as well. There is also a lightweight API, Xsearch, which provides access to data via HTTP in a variety of formats. Through APIs you can also view full records in Swepub MODS as XML and Swepub BIBFRAME as JSON.
List of data providers (HEIs and research organisations in Sweden in Swedish).
Original data such as Swepub retrieves it from the data providers without further data processing.
About OAI-PMH: Open Archives Initiative External link.
Supported metadata formats:
- Dublin Core
External link, opens in new window. (metadataPrefix=oai_dc)
External link. (metadataPrefix=marc)
External link. (metadataPrefix=mods)
- Swepub MODS format specification v. 4.0
Opens in new window. (metadataPrefix=swepub_mods)
Base URL:
Update frequency: Every night. Some of the data providers support selective harvesting of new and updated data and others perform a total reload periodically. As a consequence the datestamps will vary.
SRU is an XML-based protocol for searching:
About SRU: Library of congress standards External link.
Base URL:
Xsearch lightweight API
Xsearch is an HTTP-based lightweight API for accessing Swepub data in a variety of xml and text formats. MARC-XML, Dublin Core, JSON, RIS, MODS and RDF are currently supported.
About Xsearch: Libris help External link.
Base URL:
Data dumps
In order to facilitate the reuse of Swepub database dumps are provided. The data dumps are available from both Swepub search service External link. and Swepub bibliometrics service
External link. (in Swedish only) via FTP.
Data dumps from Swepub search service
All data is available in original format that contains duplicates. The data dumps contain data in XML format from the latest nightly update. The dumps are formatted as OAI-PMH "ListRecords" responses with Swepub-modified MODS as the metadata format (see section OAI-PMH).
Dumps of original data:
Update frequency: Every night.
Data dumps from Swepub bibliometrics service
Enriched data in both duplicated and deduplicated variants are provided in JSON Lines format with Swepub-modified BIBFRAME as metadata format via FTP. The dumps contain data from the suppliers with certain enrichments to support bibliometrical analyses.
Total data dumps are based on a complete export of all records from all years together with all available fields. Yearly data dumps are based on a complete export of all records from a specific year together with all available fields. Only the dumps from the last monthly update are saved.
Dumps of enriched duplicated and deduplicated data:
Update frequency: Every month.
APIs for the services of bibliometrics, data processing, data status and subject classification
APIs to retrieve data from Swepub's database for the services of bibliometrics, data processing, data status and subject classification are documented and freely available to users. An information API is also documented for retrieving source codes, output types and research subjects used in Swepub.
Note that the APIs do not have a separate version but have the same version as the entire Swepub system. This means that with each new version of Swepub, the individual APIs may also have changed. The APIs are backwards compatible as long as the version number of the Swepub system has the same whole number (major). This means that any changes in the minor versions are additions.
Swepub's open APIs: External link.
APIs for full Swepub records
Duplicate records according to Swepub MODS in XML format contain the original record from the organization as it was delivered to Swepub and converted to Swepub MODS.
Full records according to Swepub BIBFRAME in the JSON format are available as both duplicated and deduplicated variants. Deduplicated record contains the record that forms the basis of the merged record, enriched with information from the other duplicate records. Both contain Swepub's enrichments and normalizations.
MODS record in Swepub:[recordID]/original
Duplicated BIBFRAME record in Swepub:[recordID]
Deduplicated BIBFRAME record in Swepub:[recordID]
Replace [recordID] with the record identifier from OAI-PMH.
The Firefox browser displays JSON records as an easily structured overview.