Annual report on open access in Sweden

As part of its mandate to coordinate, monitor, and promote collaboration in the work for open access to scholarly publications, the National Library of Sweden (Kungliga biblioteket, KB) today publishes a report highlighting the development of open access in Sweden.

The report summarises statistics on open access, details costs of scholarly publishing, and describes ongoing efforts to coordinate national work and initiatives to promote open access.

Development in Sweden

In 2023, 77 per cent of Swedish peer-reviewed scholarly articles were published with immediate open access. This is an increase of two percentage points from the previous year. Compared to other countries around the world, Sweden has a high proportion of open access articles, though with a higher share published in hybrid journals.

In conjunction with this report, data on open access in numbers (in Swedish) have been updated on the National Library’s website. Previously, KB reported on the costs of scholarly publishing at Swedish higher education institutions (in Swedish).

Infrastructures supporting open access to scholarly publications

As highlighted in the Swedish national guidelines for open science, infrastructures supporting open access should be prioritised to a greater extent. Starting this year, the summary of total costs of scholarly publishing includes data on costs for open infrastructures. The annual report also details developments regarding publishing platforms, such as the European infrastructure Open Research Europe (ORE).

Read the full report (in Swedish with an English summary)

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