Swedish researchers' response to the cancellation of the big deal with Elsevier
How were Swedish researchers affected by the cancellation of Elsevier? More than 1 000 researchers responded in depth to this in a survey conducted as a part of the evaluation of the cancellation. A recently published article analyses the result of these responses.
In 2018 the Bibsam consortium cancelled the journal license agreement with Elsevier, and this gained attention throughout the world. The cancellation was evaluated in several ways, and one of them was by a survey to the researchers who were immediately affected when they couldn't access the thousands of journals Elsevier publishes anymore.
This survey also asked the researchers to elaborate on the situation, and more than 1 000 researchers took the opportunity to voice their opinions on the cancellation. This data have been analysed in-depth and is presented in a newly published article in Insights.
An earlier article, Cancelling with the world’s largest scholarly publisher External link., covers the consequences of the cancellation and lessons learned. Since the beginning of 2020, a new read and publish agreement, covering 100 % open access is in place between the Bibsam organisations and Elsevier.