Content of the Codex Gigas
Half of the Codex Gigas is made up of the Old and New Testaments. The rest of the manuscript is made up of other writings.

A bible full of knowledge
Christianity's most important book is the Bible. The other texts in the Codex Gigas were carefully selected to complement it. Together they offered knowledge of Jewish history, the world, the art of healing and the history of Bohemia.
The medieval Bible
The medieval Latin Bible was not standardised, and its contents differed from that of a modern Bible in several respects. Some versions consisted of several volumes, others of a single volume. Some were very large, others very small. The Latin translation of the books of the Bible was sometimes the same as that found in today's Bible, but was in some cases of an older type. The order in which the books were arranged varied as well.
Missing pages
One part of the Codex Gigas has been lost because the pages were cut out of the manuscript: The Holy Rule of Saint Benedict, a tutorial on the basics of monastic life written in the 6th century.