Taking photographs and filming

It is possible to take photographs and film the collections and public areas of the National Library for private use, if you follow a few rules.

Show due regard

The National Library is meant to be a quiet workplace for study and research. You are solely responsible to make sure that no photographs are disseminated where people’s personal integrity may be compromised.

Please keep in mind that:

  • A flash and tripod may not be used.
  • Always handle collection items with care.
  • You have sole responsibility for how your photographs are used and that their usage is in accordance with current copyright rules.
  • It is not permitted to photograph, record or download material from the audiovisual collections.

For public display

If you want to film or take photos of materials in our collections for public distribution, e.g. for a documentary, you need to email a request specifying what you would like to film or photograph and when. We can't guarantee that your request will be granted. It depends on several factors, such as the state of the material in question, timing and personal resources.

We need your request at least three weeks in advance when it comes to photography and at least two months when it comes to filming.

Fill out the form below:

Fill in the form as carefully as possible – it speeds up our handling of your request.

Is it an interview? Stock footage of materials? etc.

Please note that we can only allow lamps that do not generate heat.

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