Maps of the premises
There are five floors open to visitors. The entrance is on the fifth floor where you will also find the Information and Loans desk. Explore each floor using the maps below.

- Description
- The main entry to the building is situated on the fifth, or ground, floor. This is where the cloakroom and lockers are situated, where you must deposit any outdoor clothes or bags before entering the National Library. At the information and loans desk, you can collect pre-ordered material. On the ground floor you will also find our two main Reading Rooms.
- Description
- On the sixth floor you find the Special Collection’s Reading Room, where you can read books and newspapers printed before 1830, together with material which are deemed especially unique or fragile.
- Description
- On the third floor you will find study spaces, Reading Rooms, the Auditorium and an exhibition area. The stairs leading to the third floor are situated at the back of the building in the Annex.
- Description
- On the second floor of the Annex, you will find the Audiovisual and Newspaper Collections. Here you will also find the Treasury Room with the Codex Gigas, or the Devil’s Bible, on display.
- Description
- The first floor is situated at the bottom of the stairs leading to the Annex. This is where you will find our digitised and microfilmed newspapers.