Order copies

Use the form below to order copies and reproductions from the National Library's Reproduction Service.

When you order copies and reproductions at the National Library you will pay for the production itself as well as for any administrative costs and postage. However, the library does not charge any usage or publication fees.

There is one price list for individuals and another for corporate and international customers. The cost for reproductions for private use or research is subsidised.

Price list for individuals

Price list for corporations and international customers

For questions please contact info@kb.se or call +46 (0)10-709 30 30 (from 9 a.m.–4 p.m.)

Order copies and reproductions

Payment method * (mandatory)
Payment method

Delivery time is normally 5-10 working days, but it varies depending on the type of reproduction. Read more under the price lists for private customers and corporate customers.
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