
The Swedish Copyright Act gives authors, composers, artists and other content creators the right to determine how their works may be used.

The moment the work is created, the author automatically gains copyright over his or her work. Copyright is governed by the Act (1960:729) on Copyright on Literary and Artistic Works External link, opens in new window.. Copyright in a work is valid from the time of the work's creation until 70 years after the author's death.

Threshold of originality

In order for artistic and literary works to be protected by copyright, the work must have reached the threshold of originality. This means that the work has a sufficiently high degree of originality and that no one else could have produced the exact same thing. The National Library of Sweden generally assumes that all works at the National Library have reached the threshold of originality.


If the work that you wish to copy is protected or if you are going to copy more than 25% of the work (for text), we need to know that you have the copyright holder’s permission. This is regulated by an agreement. You are welcome to contact library staff for help completing all the information. Please note that the National Library will not place the order before a signed agreement has been received.


Telephone: +46 (0)10-709 30 30 (Monday–Friday 9:00–16:00)

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