E-legal deposit
Under The Swedish Act (2012:492) on legal deposit of electronic material, government agencies and certain publishers must deliver certain electronic material to the National Library.
These publishers are obliged to deliver
- Publishers with automatic protection under the constitution for their electronic publishing.
- Municipal authorities or government agencies.
Please note that one of the basic criteria is that the organisation has a Swedish address.
E-legal deposit applies for publications that:
- are “web-specific”, i.e. electronic material that is only published via networks, and not in analogue form. Please note that this does not apply to government agencies. Where relevant, they must deliver the same publication in both electronic and analogue form.
- consist of one or more files with an electronic reproduction of text, sound or image.
- have content that is of a completed and permanent nature.
- have been made available via the Internet or another network.
The material must also concern Swedish conditions. This means that one of the following criteria must be met:
- The material is aimed primarily at the general public in Sweden.
- The material is wholly or partly in Swedish.
- The material is of Swedish origin or has been produced by a Swedish artist.
Registration and deliveries
You can use the National Library’s e-legal deposit service to register as a supplier of electronic material. Once you have registered, we will decide whether or not you are obliged to deliver, and you will be notified as soon as possible.
We offer different alternatives for delivery via networks: online upload, RSS and FTP. Different methods suit different kinds of materials, and they can be combined.
Technical information / metadata specifications: